A small sample of the Documents held in the digital Archive
Snippets from "The Ring Magazine" 1968 -2008
Here The Magazine was first published in December 1968 and finished around 2010.
Phillip Knott
1 Mrs H Galton was the Postmistress at Stalbridge Post Office. Auction Lot 165 (22nd January 2021)
2 Following their retirement, both my mother’s brother, Frank Palmer, and my father, wrote their memoirs.
3 Coronation of King George 6th Stalbridge Weston Celebrations.
4 The School and Schoolhouse at Stalbridge Weston
5 Stalbridge Butchers, Fred Bugg and Sydney Eavis
6 Delivery Men in the Stalbridge Area in the Inter War Years
7 Stalbridge Bakers
8 The Red Lion
9 Stalbridge Western Properties
10 Stalbridge Arms
11 Stalbridge Park
12 Lower Farm
13 Sturts Farm
14 Marsh Farm
15 Henry and Leslie Hobbs
16 Curtis (Builder)
17 Ashford
18 The Hind Inn
19 Kings Mill
20 Ring Street
21 Felix Cox
22 AA Brown Station Road
23 A357
24 West Mill
25 Farming
26 Milk Factory
27 Water Supply
28 Frank Palmer Memories, of life in Stourton Caundle from 1920 to 1945, included the following reference to the Stalbridge, Henstridge and Stourton Caundle Cottage Garden Show.
29 Small Holdings
30 The New Inn Stalbridge Weston
31 School & School House Stalbridge Weston
32 Home and Guggleton Farms
33 Church Hill House
34 The Swan
35 Crown Inn
36 Barrow Hill Farm
37 Lot 125 Church Hill
38 Gibbs Marsh Farm
39 Southampton House
40 Lot 166 Barrow Hill
41 Lot 202 High Street
42 Stalbridge Weston v Stourton Caundle
43 Lot 96a Duck Lane
44 Lot 105 Mr W Stickland
45 Lot 21 Halletts Farm
46 Lot 65 Grays Farm
47 Lot 164 High St
48 Bungays Farm
49 Lots 172 and 173 Station Road
50 Lot 188 Church Hill
51 Lot 144 Gold Street
52 Lot 191a Church Hill
53 Lot 148 & 148a Gold Street
Jacqui Wragg
1 Hugh Parsons returned from WW1 service
2 Stalbridge Weston - Help from Facebook to locate Chapel image
3 Farms - Jacqui has researched all of the Farms that were sold in the 1918 sale find info here
Ian Semple
1 The New Cottages (Anglesey Cottages)
3 S Lovelace Blackmore Vale Cycle Works Henstridge and W. Lovelace & Son Stalbridge
4 Sir James Thornhill 1675-1734
5 Sir Robert Boyle
6 G Scammel & Nephew
7 Irene Jones
8 Ernie Wilsons War "A Geordie in Dorset"
9 Salt Pot Cottage Church Hill Stalbridge
Jennifer Hunnisett (Morton)
1 St Mary's School Stalbridge 1956 - 1962
Michael Fenton
1 Stalbridge Forever (Part 1) which appeared in the May and June 2020 edition of the magazine Railway Bylines
2 Stalbridge Forever (Part 2) which appeared in the May and June 2020 edition of the magazine Railway Bylines
Tony Wood
1 Stalbridge Canal Somerset and Dorset Navigation Company
Chris Hughes
1 Stalbridge Players 1950's and The Elizabethans
2 Thornhill Outside Staff
3 Taking the Tablets on the S & D
Jude Watts
1 Mallett Album St Mary's Junior School in 1981
Lesley Wood
1 Les Hobbs The Jubilee 1935