Stalbridge Remembers
The "Stalbridge Book of Remembrance" and the associated booklet "The Men of Stalbridge who gave their lives in two World Wars" document the lives and sacrifices of Stalbridge residents who died in the First and Second World Wars. These sources contain biographical details, circumstances of death (where known), and information about those listed on the War Memorial at St Mary's Church in Stalbridge.
The Stalbridge Book of Remembrance, housed in St Mary's Church, is regularly updated, with pages turned periodically. It was originally researched by the late Wally Ricketts, the Parish Administrator at the time, and has since been expanded by Captain Tim Lee of the Royal Navy. His work draws on internet resources, materials from descendants and relatives, and memories from long-time Stalbridge residents. The material was later adapted for use by the Stalbridge Archive Society by Ian Semple.
The project honours not only the soldiers from Stalbridge who fell in the World Wars but also all men and women from the Town who served in these and other conflicts. It serves as a tribute to their courage and sacrifice in times of war.
There are still quite significant gaps in our knowledge. If any reader can contribute further information, please contact Stalbridge Archive Society [email protected]
The Stalbridge Book of Remembrance, housed in St Mary's Church, is regularly updated, with pages turned periodically. It was originally researched by the late Wally Ricketts, the Parish Administrator at the time, and has since been expanded by Captain Tim Lee of the Royal Navy. His work draws on internet resources, materials from descendants and relatives, and memories from long-time Stalbridge residents. The material was later adapted for use by the Stalbridge Archive Society by Ian Semple.
The project honours not only the soldiers from Stalbridge who fell in the World Wars but also all men and women from the Town who served in these and other conflicts. It serves as a tribute to their courage and sacrifice in times of war.
There are still quite significant gaps in our knowledge. If any reader can contribute further information, please contact Stalbridge Archive Society [email protected]
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