PARISH D.I.Y. Grove Lane Pump (The Ring November 1979)
The old pump in Grove Lane is more than six inches long. It is bolted on to a brick built base and stands on a paved area complete with a drainage gully. So found three men and three Scouts after six hours digging, loading, and unloading.
"One hour - two at the most on Saturday morning", said our optimistic Parish Clerk, Ron Gillingham, selling the idea to Peter Moore for the loan of a truck; to Gilbert White for help in driving and shovelling and to the Scouts for volunteer labour. His brother Frank probably had his doubts, for he knows a thing or two about moving piles of rubble and rotting vegetation collected over the years, but he turned out just the same.
The Scouts were off to Sherborne on another venture, but Andrew Caines, John Oggleton and Barry Jones stayed behind, not to let Stalbridge down.
After countless loads emptied into a pit on Tom Stroud's Farm, at 5 p.m. the old flags were restored to their former glory with the once buried S.E.B. cable exposed but luckily not cut. The Parish Council Chairman arrived to sweep the stones, just for the publicity (they always do!) and his wife started planning the spring planting programme for this niche in the bank.
The pump is now ready to be included in Albert Davidge's round of repainting Parish property.
Our thanks to all concerned. More Parish D.I.Y. sessions may follow. Volunteers will be needed - watch this space.